Parish Giving Scheme

The suspension of church services over the last few months as a result of Covid-19 has had an impact on donations received by Harlton Church, particularly from those who normally give via the collection plate. Now that services have resumed, and in line with guidance from the Church of England’s authorities, we have dispensed with the use of the collection plate during services in order to minimise the risk of spreading the virus.

A new Parish Giving Scheme recently introduced by the Church of England maximises the convenience for members of the congregation or community to donate and minimises the administrative chores of local church voluntary officers. This countrywide scheme has the added benefit that each church can be assured of its regular income, including the automatic receipt of Gift-Aid tax refunds.

The Harlton Church Council believes that residents of Harlton appreciate the wonderful 14th Century church – for over 600 years at the centre of their community – and many regularly contribute to its upkeep. We would like to encourage these residents and anyone who comes to services in Harlton Church, even if only occasionally, to join the Parish Giving Scheme. Even small contributions of, say, £3 or £5 per month, add up to make a real difference to the church’s budget.

If you are willing to join the Scheme, please request a form from one of the officers named below. Under the scheme, everything you contribute, plus Gift Aid where appropriate, will be securely transferred to Harlton Church.

If you have questions or would like to talk through this scheme, please contact any of the church officers, below. We shall be glad to provide further details. Donations may also be made at the Church by cash or cheque.

With many thanks for your support and warmest best wishes,

Nicholas Branson Churchwarden, 73 Eversden Road / 01223 262454
John Helmsing PCC Treasurer, 96 High Street / 01223 263203

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